Monday, December 20, 2010

Science, Mathematics and Language Arts Units

All the members of the Quinnipiac University MAT Nicaragua Service-Learning Team, under the guidance of Dr. Cheryl Kerison, will present the Sixth Annual Teacher Training Conference from March 14, 2011 to March 16, 2011 in León, Nicaragua. The MAT Nicaragua Service-Learning Team will conduct workshops in the areas of Mathematics, Science and Language Arts.

The topic of the Science workshop for the 2011 conference is motion, force and energy. The workshop will provide the Nicaraguan teachers with useful experiments and hands-on learning activities they can share with their own students.

The theme for Mathematics is the coordinate system and ordered pairs. The workshop will focus on teaching children how to plot and identify ordered pairs.

The Language Arts Team will focus on folklore. The workshop will assist teachers with teaching children how to use oral tradition as a tool to communicate effectively. 

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