Why Are You Going To Nicaragua?

The Albert Schweitzer Institute of Quinnipiac University , in partnership with Alianza Americana, sponsors a team of faculty and students who participate in an annual humanitarian trip to LeonNicaraguaQuinnipiac University has adopted several elementary schools in that area, and has implemented a number of projects to support the citizens’ efforts to develop and strengthen their dwindling economic, educational, and cultural programs within their communities.

One of the outcomes of this trip is providing youth and educational programs to the community. This goal will be accomplished by a team of Quinnipiac University faculty and MAT students. This team will provide help in creating a more healthy and safe environment for the students that will be more conducive for learning and growth.

A Nicaraguan Classroom at La Ceiba
Outdoor Classroom at La Ceiba
Yet, the finances for school supplies are virtually nonexistent. Therefore, funds must be raised to purchase materials for the Nicaraguan teachers and their students, and/or materials can be donated. Your generous contribution would be a welcomed form of support to assist the team from Quinnipiac University with providing the material for teachers and students to use in their classrooms. Additionally, funds can be donated to help offset the cost of the trip for the team.

Nicaraguan students receiving donated school supplies

Distributing materials to students at La Ceiba

Nicaragua Alternative Spring Break 2009- MAT Delegation Video

Please watch these two videos created by Matt Andrew of past trips which better illustrates what the Alternative Spring Break Program does: