Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Story of the Seed

A teacher held up a seed for all of his students to see and said, “What do you see?” The responses were unanimous; the students claimed they saw a simple seed. “What else do you see?” The teacher was apparently looking for a different answer.

The class was silent and the teacher began to speak:
Look beyond this seed. What do you see? I bet you can see a plant. You can even see a tree, or an entire forest of trees! And in the forest, you can see the animals that inhabit the forest. If we look beyond this simple seed, do you see what our imaginations are capable of?

This small seed has the ability to grow into something incredible; it represents infinite possibilities. What we are looking at here is the capacity to change, the growth of life. Remember this seed. It stands for all opportunities and most importantly the manifestation of something bigger. In life, we must look beyond the seed. Let us start with something so simple and with a bit of imagination envision something great.
(From Meghan Cousin's post on Facebook 2010)

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