Thursday, March 10, 2011

Leaving Tonight!

At 1am tonight (Friday morning) are leaving the Albert Schweitzer Institute to head down to JFK International Airport. We’ll be flying to Miami on a 5am flight and then on to Managua by 1pm. From there, we’ll travel to La Villa where our home stay families will be waiting for us. Today I have been so excited/nervous/anxious to go! I am ready to start this journey with my amazing team.

Our first weekend in Nicaragua will include visiting Alianza Americana, meet teachers and students from La Cieba school before the Professional Development Conference, climbing a volcano, go to a beach and see historical sites like El Fortin. 

Starting on Monday, the MAT team will be presenting at the Conference and the Agriculture team will begin working on their projects at La Cieba.

Last night at final meeting before the trip, we packed the last of the 75 binders, school supplies for each of the 13 schools, some supplies for two school districts to be distributed at the teacher’s Conference. The agriculture team is bringing down supplies to distribute to the children while working in La Cieba. I can’t wait to see the reaction of the teachers and students when they get all the supplies we purchased and received from generous donations!

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